Where do we shop most? In our residential neighbourhood or city, of course. Search for local information is the most popular activity among smartphone users. We use our phones to find the nearest café, cinema schedule or a store where we could buy desired goods.
88% of smartphone owners act on the same day as they receive the information: 61% phone or 59% visit a local business.
More than 70% of internet users use smart mobile devices.
app for finding a desired service or location.
The Google Maps system may be searched using a company name or a keyword describing the search.
Google Maps listing appears next to organic search results. The user can see the exact address, telephone, business hours, representative photos and customer reviews. The customer may himself/herself add pictures or a review or download the link to their phone.
Google Maps listing can also be shown next to Google ADs. This highlights the ad among the competitors and helps the user to find the exact location of the business. This helps to avoid untargeted clicks if it is inconvenient for the customer to come.
Help your potential customers find your business more easily.